Butterflies on the Brain was created using traditional Italian "Smalti" glass tiles and a modern adhesive, and was grouted after the entire piece was assembled.
There is significant improvisation within the basic form of the monarch butterfly. Butterflies are associated with the soul across many cultures. Delicate yet enduring, they undergo remarkable metamorphosis in their lives, and in this case serve as a visual metaphor for the changing brain.
Sheila Gregory and Eugene Knapik have been creating mosaics together for the past decade. Their projects have included numerous outdoor works – oversized owls, blue jays, grackles, cardinals, life-sized mosaic bears, giant butterflies – and a large-scale granite garden bench featuring a magnolia mosaic surface. Indoor projects include complex mosaics covering entire doors.
Gregory and Knapik have also been active painters, exhibiting extensively in the Toronto area since graduating from York University in 1983. They have been the principal organizers of a number of large-scale group exhibitions in non-traditional spaces including c.1996, Canadian Shield, Meat, Great Lakes, Big Show and more. These exhibitions were featured in the Collective City short film, The Un-Collective.
Gregory has been creating an ongoing series of photos published online called The Left Overs.
Knapik is represented for paintings and drawings by Yumart Gallery in Toronto. He has also written a series of 17 short-short stories called The Lazy Allen Stories. He is active in social media and writes a personal blog called 27th Street.